我对政治一点也不了解,也很模糊!好像最近的诗巫补选,我也是朦朦绒绒(?)。我以为我应该回去投票。也在 Facebook 留言,没打算回去投票,搞了老半天,我是 Lanang 区的选民,幸好我没有兴致勃勃计划回去,要不然可糗大了!
我也摆了一个大乌龙。我不知道,那个补选是那一区!后来才知道是 Sibu Parliment.
更好笑的是,我以为补选是在 15/5,当时还问姐姐,不知道“现在”的补选情况如何,我姐就瞪我,不是明天吗?
首相 Najib 3次浩浩荡荡的抵达诗巫,为SUPP 拉票。连民联英雄,林吉祥,林冠英,张建仁,杨薇薇到来了!诗巫沉睡了那么久,突然被唤醒了!诗巫好不热闹!
虽然人没有在诗巫,当是到在 Blogspot, Facebook, Malaysiakini, The Star... 到处都可以阅读到补选的情况。
民联的演讲会人数高达10,000 - 15,000。反而首相为卖点的人联,人数没有预期的好!
从 16/5,网站有不少报道,Facebook 的 comments 也不少。有人大大声要 DAP 执政,有人呼吁一定要支持 BN !! 虽然 Facebook 的 comments 有隐藏的火药味,但不至于要“翻抬”,毕竟都是自己的朋友嘛!
我把这些 comments 稍微整理如下:
hello all........please support BN .......................♥ remember .....................
♥ rocket!!!BN ..... hmm ...... 给 DAP 一个机会吧!
just let DAP representative old Robert Lau in this two years... see what he can do....
For your information, DAP cannot do anything. Because the Federal still the BN...they control the finance and the govern-projects. But what we want is the heart of sibu people...their will to change! You to see the changes...Wait for GE13!!!
DAP now win le..........what they do only is....in meeting room 讲话比较大声而已。。。
BN only did things when the election was around the corner.. Anyway, you will see tomorrow many projects will stop...
give 'angpow' oso kalah ar....maybe too little i guess!!
next 2 yrs still same like this year..............2010BN 都威胁了,输了,Sibu 就没钱拿!所以应该也改变不多!不过至少我们有骨 气! (^_^)V
Sibu town is so famous liao because of Lau Hui Chiew and every day b4 the election, u can see the news spreading on our hometown... the food, the people and the wonderful swan town...
i tok barisan national went to sibu and gave out lots of money??? hahaha as sibuian dun really feel 'touch' of tat...
BN gave $$ too late loh !!! They should give us long long times ago ..
That's why they lost. This year a lot of chinese already beh song due to they all do things last minute. And the one replacing Lau Hui Chiew were said to be very proud both husband and wife.
hahaaha they always do thing last mins... only pull out the fire when fire is on the ass... but tats our money also.. time to return back lol... to develop our lovely city :)
Let BN learn a lesson that money do talk but it does not mean that money talk all the time....
Agree with u that that is all our money .... so, giving us the money is definitely the right thing to do and should do that early too....
no....DAP win??? sibu game over liao......
ya loh. everyone want changes mah!!! what can parti pembangkang do now. all budget are under barisan nasional oh.. i cant imagine what will happen to sibu later.
yalo...BN要win。。但是不可以win太多。。这样BN才会拿更多钱出来。。。现在输了。。。他就收起来。。 看你们怎么死。。。。
they never think so much mah.... actually now dap win is useless. they should win during the country election. the whole country need to change baru dapat tolong sibu.
要BN赢,Sibu 才不会games over ? 这样的BN,不要也罢!
其实我支持反对党,并没有期望他们立刻可以改变 Sibu, 人联那么多年都不能,反而越改越差,火箭即使上任5年, 也不可能立刻见到效果。
but must give them a chance to CHANGE Sibu !!
小时候,我一直对国外朋友们说:诗巫是砂劳越第 二大城市;然而现在朋友们问起,我却无言以对!建几条桥就花了几十年时间,要扩展一个机场也谈了不少年。。。难道这些都算是"大工程" 吗?!?真的那么难建?其实,诗巫的工程师大把,只是有些人宁愿选用"马"工程师,叫我们如何服 气?
Najib 3次到访诗巫,即使赢了也不光彩。因为他又说了一句,“你要的我给你,我要的你给我!”
人民都变得文明了,我们的政府还在他们的 Comfort Zone 里!
小 Robert 在败选后,也说了一句话,“I'm sad, because Sibu is going to lose out on a lot of things. I have said in my campaign that if we lose, we lose the confidence of the Federal Government."