By lending low income earners up to 105% to buy a house is NOT doing them a favour, in fact it could be getting them into trouble.
Anyone who cannot save some sort of deposit no matter how small have in fact proved that they cannot save. So, how are they going to repay the bank??
If the Government really really want to help, why not abolish stamp duty for low income first home buyers? Why not even give them a small grant?
How's the government going to fund this? Easy. Abolish the Bumi discount for houses worth more than, say, rm1 million and increase the stamp duty for houses worth more than, say, rm2 million. QED. Just need political will. This will benefit all low income Bumis, isn't this what NEP is suppose to do??
这种"治标不治本"的"福利, 其实和美国 2007 年 subprime housing loan crisis 持有一样的原理!
我们的政府为了让那些不 qualified 的买屋者有其屋, 出了这个配套.. 我个人看是是弊多过利.
买屋容易供屋难! 如果一个人连屋子头期都拿不出, 你确定, 他的屋期可以如期还吗?
如果买屋者, 没有至少3-6个月的现金在手, 这个贷款对他来言是"要买" 还是"必须要买" ?
还有"一个" .. 廉价商店, 只会让那些现在, 已经经营杂货店的平民老百性, 面对超霸市场的竞争, 也面对政府的竞争! 政府不是要帮阻人民吗? 为什么还要插一刀在这些平民百姓身上 ?
政府应该想出更好的措施, 比较实际的方案, 比方说; 提升个人收入, 还有最低薪金, 让人民拥有更多额外收入来提升生活费用!!
这种"一个" ... "一个" .... 的计划, 只有让人觉得, 短期可以, 长期是一个炸弹!