Wednesday, April 6, 2011


新手准妈妈碰到的一个大学问就是, 怎样的饮食才能让准妈妈和肚子里的 BB 有足够的营养?

最近, 我就东听听, 西挖挖, 就收集到一些小小的知识, 希望能和准妈妈分享.

其实, 准妈妈的饮食, 真的因人的体质而异! 有时, 老妈妈 A 说这不能吃, 可能老妈妈 B 就说没问题!!!!

所以.. 任何的一个咨询也是要东问问, 西问问来确实比较好!

1week - 12 week (3 Months)

1. 人参可以吃, 但是到了3个月后, 就不可以吃.

2. 薏米, 绿豆少吃, 因为太凉, BB 容易有气喘.
- 不过, 如果准妈妈的体质是属于燥热型, 那是没问题.
- 我有一个朋友, 每个星期一杯薏米水, 没有喝绿豆, 因为本身对绿豆敏感.
- 另一位, 每个星期一杯绿豆汤, 因为觉得,吃多点豆类很好哦!

3. 吃多点牛肉, 羊肉, 但不可过量, 怕 BB 太燥热.

4. 吃青葡萄, 不要吃红葡萄, 因为, 青葡萄属于清凉的水果.

5. 多吃梨

6. 如果觉得肚子的 BB 太小, 福州籍的妈妈就会炖鸡汤来进補. 前面 3-5 个月 可以, 后来的几个月, 最好不用进補了, 因为怕 BB 太大, 不容易生.

7. 如果是香港籍的准妈妈, 她们就会被下令不可吃西瓜和绿豆... 相信吗??

To Be Continued....

如果你有更好的咨询, 欢迎留言 !!!!

Who Does a Child Need in the First Years?

An useful & constructive blog from a friend of mine .....

Focus on the Family emphasized the importance of a home to the little children. Attachment in home helps children learn to trust which is essential for having healthy relationship in life. It is worth to ponder on the following great words.

"During the first three years the child should stay with his mother. The younger a child, the more he needs his mother and the lower the danger when his father is not there. Working parents give one, two, or three hours when the child needs eight to nine hours.” Horst Schetelig, M.D., LLLI Convention 1981.William and Wendy Dreskin, The Day Care Decision, p. 18.

“When I review all the information available to us today, then I conclude that the mother is the best caretaker for the child, particularly during its infancy…As I have said, there are cases where surrogate mothers are necessary, but all things being equal, there is no substitute for a child’s own parents, especially his mother.” Bennett Olshaker, M.D., The Child as a Work of Art, p. pp. 39-40.

However, some mothers will have to return to work in order to support family financially. If a mother has no alternative and MUST choose to go back to work in her child's first important years, please read Choose the Best Environment for Your Child.

Parents, home is where a child learns who they are. Each human is created by God with unique gifts, talents, and temperaments. So, let us discover and celebrate these with our children at home.